The Honourable Priscah Mupfumira, Minister for Tourism & Hospitality Industry, invites you to join her and the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority team at a series of events taking place across the UK in July 2019.
These events provide the opportunity for UK tour operators and travel writers to hear about developments in Zimbabwe direct from the The Minister, whilst also airing their own issues, needs and suggestions regarding improving tourism to Zimbabwe. Journalists may also request one-to-one interviews with the Minister.
Thursday 11th July
Opening of Zimbabwe's new Consul and Tourism Office in Glasgow, Scotland..
Saturday 13th July
Tourism & Diaspora Event in Huntingdon, Berkshire.
Monday 15th July
Tourism & Diaspora Event in Manchester.
Tuesday 16th July
Tourism & Diaspora Event in Birmingham.
Friday 19th July
Disney's Lion King premiere, followed by Tourism & Diaspora Event in London.
Sponsors, organisations and individuals interested in attending these events should contact Felicia Munjaidi at ztalon@outlook.com or zimlondon@yahoo.co.uk