Each month, Kamageo recognises the outstanding performance of one member of our team. We’re always looking for work that’s truly worthy of note - not just your average 9-5 expected stuff, we need something beyond the call of duty, so a brilliant idea or an amazing contribution. Something that makes them stand out from the crowd…and remember they are part of a very talented and high performing team already!
ARCHIVE 2017-19
APRIL 2019
This month flew by and there were some great performances by the team as ever. Recruitment for our Trade Fams trips by Kristina Harlow takes the top prizes though, as we will be coordinating educationals for so many UK operators to various parts of Tanzania, not just the well-established northern circuit. Winner : Kristina Harlow for Fam trip recruitment
MARCH 2019
Having just completed consumer shows and week-long trade shows, you might have expected March to have bee a bit quieter. But far from it. Rich Whiston's Zambia video (featuring members of ZMG) was great, whilst Anisha Parmar's completely new PR strategy is excellent. But it is Ryan Tyler's tireless efforts to complete a major online project - the new destination website for Malawi which wins this month's award. Winner : Ryan Tyler for Malawi website
Preparations for The Safari Roadshow saw the entire team contributing really well to ensure an outstanding series of events across the UK. Izzie did a sterling job on design (in addition to her Zambia responsibilities), Rich coordinated a huge number of print items, Nadia and Paul tirelessly recruited attendees, whilst Kristina worked well on maximising Tanzania's presence at their first UK consumer show for many years. But it was the organisation of the 'mega-event' with 40 exhibitors transported across the country that saw Tracey crowned as employee of the month. Winner : Tracey Sutton for Safari Roadshow
A vibrant start to the year for team Kamageo, with the build up to Safari Roadshow, along with the various consumer travel shows, keeping us more than busy. But it was a media event that delivered the winning performance. Sierra Leone's media event attracted an amazing response, with over 20 freelance journalists requesting a trip to this emerging destination. Anisha Parmar (ably assisted by new side-kick, Emma) delivered a great event, great follow-up and a great media trip participants list
Winner : Anisha Parmar for Sierra Leone media event
The month saw plenty of activity leading up to the busy selling period in the new year. Izzie's creative work was as good as ever, whilst Kristina Harlow's overall contribution was fantastic. But the stand-out performances were from Rich and Nadia. Rich did a fabulous job reporting on our ZMG achievements and recruiting Safari Roadshow exhibitors, but Nadia sneaks it with her Uganda fam trips planning typified her all-round great performance. This resulted in her promotion to Trade Manager.
Winner : Nadia Alam for Trade Fam Trips
Whilst Tim is claiming the prize for his work on Sierra Leone, he's not getting it! The team performed superbly well at WTM on behalf of Uganda, Malawi, Eswatini, Tanzania and Zambia (even though the latter was not exhibiting!) Anisha's work with the media was excellent and as ever, Rich coordinated attention-grabbing stunts for UTB. But it was Lisa (and Nadia's) management of the Uganda exhibitors and interacting with the trade that caught the eye most.
Winner : Lisa Burton for WTM Trade engagement
Izzie Ludbrook's management of the latest edition of Safari Magazine was the stand-out performance, although she had strong competition from many members in the run up to WTM London. Izzie, aided by Mandy, coordinated the project remotely, yet it was completed in record time and is arguably the best edition yet.
Winner : Izzie Ludbrook for Safari Magazine
Anisha Parmar has proved to be an outstanding appointment in her role as PR Manager. In a short space of time, Anisha has coordinated our biggest and best ever Safari Media Show; secured one of Kamageo's biggest ever editorial pieces in a major travel publication; created two sold-out group media trips and rescued a potentially faltering celebrity trip to Africa. At the same time, the excellent contribution of other new starters, Lisa Burton and Nadia Alam must not go unmentioned and they will no doubt be pushing for recognition in coming months.
Winner : Anisha Parmar for PR activity
Four years after leaving us, Tracey Sutton returned to take on a far bigger role - not only to be Tim's PA, but also office and finance manager, all under the job title, Executive Assistant. Tracey's impact has been immediate and as a result there is an increased air of efficiency across the entire business. So for planning, organising and generally 'smartening up our act', August's award goes to Tracey. Rich, Kristina and Ryan all made telling contributions too.
Winner : Tracey Sutton for Organisational skills
JULY 2018
After completing his first ever trip to Africa, our online expert Rich Whiston exhibited his film skills by editing the footage he had directed in Uganda. The resultant destination video - the first in a series of "My Uganda. Your Uganda" films has been hugely well received and wins this month's prize. Mention should also be made to the telling contributions made by both Kristina Harlow and Anisha Parmar in strategic meetings.
Winner : Rich Whiston for Uganda Destination Video
JUNE 2018
June saw a busy month for Kamageo, with the undoubted highlight being a live broadcast of ITV's Good Morning Britain from Victoria Falls in Zambia. At the same time, a media trip for the Daily Mail and The Independent was successfully organised in Uganda. Both pieces of work were orchestrated by this month's winner.
Winner : Bex Knight for Good Morning Britain.
MAY 2018
Kamageo's industry leading Marifa Report was published in April, but to prepare for our planned Tanzania proposals, Kristina led the line in developing a country specific research project which produced some insightful results. This as well with her work alongside Anisha Parmar on the Tanzania proposals document earned her a promotion to Marketing Executive and this months prize. Bex's planning on the live ITV shows and a Ugandan trip for Daily Mail were also excellent.
Winner : Kristina Harlow for Tanzania research and plan.
APRIL 2018
As the Zambia Marketing Group's first year was drawing to a close, it was important that a comprehensive year-end was produced to provide analysis for members. At the same time, a marketing communications plan for 2018-19 was also essential. Instead of a document, the team chose to develop an interactive (and updateable) website, which was well received, as was the 2nd year plan. Leading the project, Rich Whiston takes the award for April, whilst Izzie's contribution was excellent. Kristina's work on Marifa was also noteable. Winner : Rich Whiston for Zambia Report & Plan.
MARCH 2018
With the tail-end of the Safari Roadshow, a week in Berlin for ITB and the IMM show, March got off to a very busy start and the team contributed well to these and other key projects throughout the month. Bex's prep for IMM was notable, whilst Becca's coordination of the Inception Report was impactful. But the winner of this month's award goes to Ryan Tyler who has redesigned Malawi Tourism's logo along with MTMC's new corporate identity, which will both be launched in April.
Winner : Ryan Tyler for Malawi rebrand.
With a busy period for events in February, it was vital that the entire Kamageo team was on top form, and so it proved. Kat's coordination of the Safari Roadshow (with its complex logistics) proved outstanding whilst Becca's excellent contribution must be recognised too. Mention must also be given to Izzie's superb efforts on the fabulous Safari Magazine 33, whilst Bex deserves high praise for the high quality of press releases produced during the month.
Winner : Kat Day for Safari Roadshow.
This month, we had outstanding contributions from so many different staff members. Becca performed superbly well at a major travel show despite being a new recruit, whilst Kat and Izzie did really well on their respective projects. But it's impossible to look beyond Rich's two pieces of 'theatre' at Destinations - a gorilla for Uganda and the amazing 3-D Victoria Falls artwork for Zambia.
Winner : Rich Whiston for 3-D Victoria Falls.
Another busy month saw some amazing work including Bex's work on a PR pitch, Kat's planning for the Safari Roadshow and Rich's digital marketing efforts for Uganda. December's winner has done an amazing job in managing the businesses cashflow, which sees us end the year in great shape.
Winner : Roxana Pascu for Financial Management.
The team delivered some amazing results during November - Rich and his gorilla at WTM; Bex's superb run of media appointments and trips booked for 2018; Kat's event management work on the Safari Roadshow. But Izzie's superb publication - Safari Magazine Edition 32, along with some great work on Zambia Tourism, grabs her the award.
Winner : Izzie Ludbrook for Safari Magazine 32.
In a busy month, the team has all performed to the usual high standard, but Rich's contribution to a number of projects has seen him stand out. He worked well on a complicated (and hopefully successful) pitch for a national tourism board; coordinated an eye-catching PR stunt for an upcoming event and taking Kamageo's social media to a new level.
Winner : Rich Whiston for Pitch & Stunt.
In little over 12 months with Kamageo, Bex has grown in confidence and her performance has reflected this, resulting in her promotion to PR Executive. Taking on increased responsibility Bex is now routinely conducting her own media meetings, researching press stories and recruiting writers for press trips. She also prepared an impressive PR pitch.
Winner : Bex Knight for PR development.
Over the summer, this month's winner has worked tirelessly to develop a new Swaziland Map and Destination brochure. Kelly White stated "It's not just the excellent design work - giving them both a fresh new look - but the fact that he's taken on the whole project management and seen it through to completion on time and on budget".
Winner : Ryan Tyler for Swaziland campaign
JULY 2017
This month saw the launch of numerous items for Zambia - including a new UK website; limited edition Bradt Guide to Zambia; the first ads for Zambia in consumer press and the various printed items for the London Walking Safari. All these projects were successfully coordinated and implemented by the newly promoted Izzie Ludbrook. Bex work on the Walking Safari was also very good. Winner : Izzie Ludbrook for Zambia Campaign
JUNE 2017
The Kamageo team participated in a series of creative sessions to develop effective, innovative and impactful communications for our newest destination, Zambia. Whilst the entire team generated countless great ideas, Rich had some particularly good ideas, and he then added a fabulous concept for an Mbali Mbali direct mail piece, too.
Winner : Rich Whiston for Street Art & Mbali Mailer.
MAY 2017
Stand out performances this month came from Adele Cutler and Bex Knight. As well as coordinating some outstanding press articles for Uganda in Emirates inflight mag amongst others, their crisis management (when an incorrect Uganda story hit the UK press), saw the story removed and press apologies issued, all within hours.
Winner : Bex Knight for Crisis Management.
APRIL 2017
The sheer volume of work generated by the team during this month was matched only by the quality! So that made it all the harder to stand out, but Sasha Brunt's contribution - especially in project management and coordination - was consistently high (which saw her promoted into a new role). Winner : Sasha Brunt for Organisational Skills.
MARCH 2017
After only joining us in mid-January 2017, this team member has been solely focused on delivering an effective roadshow for participants, but also doing so at a level that illustrated Kamageo’s capabilities to work for Zambia going forward. As well as over delivering in terms of buyers (in quantity and quality), the entire event was excellent.
The winner is : Helen Brown for the Zambia Roadshow
Accurately collating product data from 170+ websites can be a mind-numbing challenge, but not only did this individual replicate the amazing work done in 2016, she also added in various extra measures, making the trade section of the report ever more comprehensive. Izzie Ludbrook’s work for our Uganda consumer travel show stands was very good, too.
Winner : Sasha Brunt for Marifa Research
Our first ever winner didn't even qualify for entry (as she's a senior manager), but her work saw us reach new heights as an agency, due to the media exposure we achieved. Whilst Adele was initially skeptical regarding the potential of the animatronic gorilla, she put aside her concerns and delivered an outstanding set of media results – especially on TV. Ably assisted by Bex Knight, she was pushed all the way by Rich Whiston’s work on social media, which was also fantastic.
Winner : Adele Cutler for the Bakwate Campaign